Appeal for Financial Support

The following letter is an appeal for financial support for four  UKM students who have to face disciplinary action since the High Court today rejected the application for injunction Erinford (status quo is maintained until the appeal is heard in the Court of Appeal). The four students were allegedly involved in the election campaign Hulu Selangor in April last year. (Click HERE for the report)

Judge Datuk Aziah Ali made the decision in a room with lawyer Haris Ibrahim who represented the students, senior federal counsel Aida Adha Abu Bakar on behalf of the Government and the Minister of Higher Education, while  UKM was represented by counsel Sarah Abishigam.

Haris told reporters that in addition, Aziah also maintain an order that legal costs be borne by all the students involved as decision on 28 September last, relating to the same case. Please do the needful after you read the following letter of appeal. Thank you.


Dear friends,

THANK YOU to all of your generous contributions and continuous support to our cause and struggle against AUKU 1971.

Many have asked us before about how they can help and be part of this, even though they can’t be with us week-in or week-out at the courts; so this is one way that you can help us to raise enough funds for the disbursements for us to file our application of appeal to the Court of Appeal and if it needs be, to the Federal Court. 

Every single donation will help us to build the funds which currently stands at RM3,000) to file for our application of appeal tomorrow morning. We
would like to thank all of your for your generosity and assistance.

If you would like to make a contribution, my account details are as follows :

MBB Acc. No: 101067764599
Name: Woon King Chai

For the sake of transparency, because we are dealing with funds and contributions from the general public, we will be keeping a record of all the contributions and once some of our young professionals/activists/students have set up a proper fund(which is already in progress), we will then move the donations that we have received over there so that it will also help all the students in the future who may go through the similar experiences as we sincerely hope that they will have to financial difficulties or have their options limited due to financial limitations.

We are not the first students who decided to stand up for what we believe is right, rest assured, we will not be the last. Here’s to all the future young men and women of this country.

Cheers and thanks again for all of your help and generosity!

Warmest regards,

King Chai

Email – [email protected]

