Ku Li wants to make it a ‘family affair’

By FMT Staff

KUALA LUMPUR: Barisan Nasional (BN) candidate for the Galas state seat by-election is expected to be a local Umno leader who will be handpicked by Gua Musang division chief, who is also Gua Musang MP, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

The former finance minister is said to be given a free hand in the campaign which starts on nomination day (Oct 26). This included picking the right candidate to stand.

Razaleigh is said to be keen to make the by-election a “family affair” where outsiders are not expected to play any major role. It is also learnt he does not want federal leaders and ministers to officiate at any functions in Galas.

“Even ceramah speakers will be mostly Kelantanese. There will not be any grand opening of schools or any projects,” said an aide closed to him.

Razaleigh is expected to pick his candidate from among the division’s committee members who have proven to be loyal and have tirelessly served the constituents.

Razaleigh, who prefers to keep a low profile and wants to meet people in small groups, is expected to do away with all decorums and officialdom and focus on the traditional house-to-house campaign.

