Rajang logjam: PRS slams ‘unconcerned’ Dayak leaders

By Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: A Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) leader has slammed Dayak leaders for their lack of concern for the victims of the Rajang logjam “ecological disaster” resulting from the landslides in the upper reaches of the Rajang and Baleh rivers.

Party deputy information chief Tedewin Ngumband said other than causing the death of tonnes of fish, two persons had reportedly died in the landslides and thousands of Ibans had lost their sources of income.

Yet none of the state’s top Dayak leaders showed concern.

“So far only James Masing seems to be concerned with the ecological disaster that has caught the attention of people worldwide.

“It is not because he is the state assemblyman for Baleh, but because the logjam and debris have caused so much hardship to the people who depend on the rivers for their communication and as sources of income.

“But where are our other Dayak leaders such as Deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu, Federal Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Douglas Uggah Embas, Minister of Infrastructure Development Michael Manyin and Minister of Social Development and Urbanisation William Mawan Ikom?” Tedewin asked.

He said Jabu, being the senior Dayak minister, should have been the first to visit the victims. He is not only a Dayak leader for Betong but for the whole of Sarawak.

“So is Uggah Embas, who is the minister of natural resources and environment. It is his job not only to assess the extent of damage, but also to see to the victims and their welfare.

“It would appear to me that they are playing safe or simply looking after their own interests.

“I thought ‘people first’ is the Barisan Nasional battle cry. Has it been washed away by the logjam?” asked Tedewin, pointing out that the issue of logging activities is very “sensitive” as a number of prominent people are involoved.

He said Masing, who is the land development minister, had been very vocal against uncontrolled logging activities at the upper reaches of Rajang and Baleh rivers and had called on the authorities to take stern action against these errant companies.

