Zaid stays in the race for number two

By Stephanie Sta Maria, Free Malaysia Today

PETALING JAYA Zaid Ibraihm today put an end to speculation of his run for deputy presidency by filing his nomination papers at the party headquarters.

In a blog posting, the former law minister said that he had received strong support from his grassroots nationwide to stay in the race and continue fighting.

This, he said, was despite the fact that the Election Committee had chosen to ignore his letter on suggestions to improve the election process in order to avoid cheating and abuse of power.

“When I am deputy president, the party will be stronger and more united,” he promised. “The grassroots members will be treated better by the top leadership. Things will change. Those who disagree with my opinions will not be sidelined and factions will be abolished.”

“The fielding of candidates for elections will be done in a democratic and open manner. The party divisions will be more active and the voice of democracy will resound throughout Malaysia.”

However. Zaid said that he couldn’t echo his rivals’ promise to take the people to Putrajaya as he wasn’t the head of Pakatan Rakyat.

“The preparations for the big victory has to start with small ones first,” he emphasised. “These small victories include uniting party members, getting enough funding for party machinery and electing candidates based on the people’s support and not on their links to party strongmen. This I will do.”

Zaid also spared a thought for his first grandson Rayes who he said would be undergoing the Malay culture of “cukur jambul”.

“In the midst of this chaos and political pressure be it in Galas or the party elections, Rayes has brought me great peace.”


