Our future depends on our choice NOW

South Africans remember apartheid, but have decided to not fight over it or dwell over it; just work together for the good of the nation, the blacks working together with the whites who had oppressed them.

By Pakac Luteb

More than 2 years ago I wrote a letter titled “The Way Forward?”. My earlier letter on the topic appears below, in quote marks. It is now a good time to remind readers of that letter, for the government’s Sodomy 2 case against Anwar Ibrahim is falling apart.

Malaysia has to move quickly forward and overcome it’s past or it will sink much lower than it already has sunk. Race relations have declined, the economy has declined, crime has increased, the justice system has become a tool for oppression, the
country is fast achieving pariah status amongst nations. UMNO and the BN must cede power to the opposition.

What comes next?

Malaysia can take a lesson from what Nelson Mandela did with South Africa. In South Africa, many were fearful that there would be bloodshed in retribution against the years of oppression of the blacks by the whites. Mandela wanted to avoid that, he wanted South Africa to quickly move forward. He decided that in order for peace in South Africa, there must be
equality of all races and there must be forgiveness of the past.

South Africans remember apartheid, but have decided to not fight over it or dwell over it; just work together for the good of the nation, the blacks working together with the whites who had oppressed them.

I suggest that as a model for Malaysia, I suggest forgiveness and reconciliation in Malaysia as Mandela accomplished in South Africa.

What I suggest is that people put aside their instinct for revenge and instead channel their energies towards building a strong, modern, energetic Malaysia that is prosperous, fair and just in how it treats everyone, citizens and foreigners alike.

I ask Malaysians what Mandela asked of South Africans; move forward, don’t look back.

Malaysia has vast resources, especially it’s people.

I appeal for ALL Malaysians, the Datuks, Tan Sri’s, Tuns, towkay, kerani, etc., ALL Malaysians, rich, poor, middle class, educated or illiterate, to decide that moving forward REQUIRES forgiveness and reconciliation regarding past misdeeds of repression, squandering, etc.

It is a BIG request I ask of Malaysians, many of whom have personally felt the oppression by the UMNO BN government, but it is a request I must make, because Malaysia is at a simpang in it’s history.

There are now 2 choices. EVERYONE (whether they support the opposition or BN UMNO) can work together to make Malaysia truly great, or they can all continue fighting. If they choose to fight it will be a disaster and lead to ruin; if they work together Malaysia has a good chance of being well on the way to being a prosperous and developed nation by 2020. Malaysia would also achieve kudos from the world as South Africa has.

I want to work for a better Malaysia, hand in hand with everyone else, whether they are UMNO, BN, PKR or otherwise, whether they are having the title of Tun, Agong, etc. or if they have no title, perhaps they just clean toilets.

I have a dream, that Malaysia will become a nation that the world takes note of, for all the right reasons.

Please join me in making that dream become reality for ALL, those alive now and for future generations.

Thank you.

Pakac Luteb

“the way forward in malaysia?:

malaysia may take a lesson from south africa. south africa peacefully
transformed itself from a repressive society into a democracy.



if malaysia does what south africa did, there is chance for peaceful
transition of government and transformation of society.

following the south african model would mean giving up the ability to
punish/exact retribution/revenge against those state officials who
oppressed society.

not following the south african model could plunge malaysia into an
era of conflict and perhaps bloodshed, as the government, fearing
retribution, tries to hang onto power by any means it can.

if the south african model can be implemented in malaysia, anwar may
become known as the “mandela of malaysia”, leading malaysia to peace,
prosperity, equality and justice for all malaysians.

it is something to consider, what future do we want for our beloved
country and how do we ensure achieving that future?”
