Sebuyau Ibans are Prepared to Form a Human Shield

By Christina S. Suntai, Change We Must

My brother Numpang anak Suntai and his wife, Helen Unchat, together with 11 tribal leaders and villagers from 11 longhouses are now camping in Ulu Sebangan as we speak. Today I want to refer to their make shift camp as “Langkau Ngintu Menoa.” 

They are leading the villagers to form a blockade to stop bulldozers used by illegal loggers, Quality Concrete Holdings, whose Executive Chairman is Tiang Ming Sing, from further penetration into their native customary lands, which include rice fields, pepper vines, fruit trees, rubber plantations and communal forest at Ulu Sebangan.

The illegal loggers, Quality Concrete Holdings, whose Executive Director is Tiang Ching Kok and major shareholder is Rodiah Binti Mahmud, sister of CM Taib Mahmud remain relentless in their efforts to grab the valuable trees. They are bulldozing their way to get to the trees and destroy everything in their path!  Every tree they killed for the timber, 28 other little trees will die with it.  So far the loggers continue to steal the valuable trees when no one is around to stop them. Therefore the villagers decided to set camp in the jungle to guard the forest, to ensure that the valuable trees will not be stolen by Quality Concrete Holdings.

Note: Selabu is about 2 hours by boat from Sebangan Bazaar. Sebangan Bazaar is about 3 hours drive to Kuching.

Sebangan from Google Maps. Click to enlarge.

The NCR land and forest in Ulu Sebangan is their life and they are prepared to defend it against known enemies and trespassers who are cronies of the present government of Sarawak. They are prepared to stay for the duration to defend their native land from being destroyed and ancient trees from being bulldozed. They are prepared to go to jail if the State Government of Sarawak under the current Barisan Nasional Administration supported the illegal loggers and arrest them. 

This area of the jungle holds many burial grounds and old longhouse sites. This is the first place where the Sebuyau Ibans settled after their migration from Bukit Balau area more than a hundred years ago.  Descandants of Sendi, please note this is the place where “Buah Jupong” is located. 

Communal Forest. Click To Enlarge.

This the area where Sendi paddled to Saribas to look for Guang, a man she was destined to marry as was told by Kumang in her dreams. They are there not only to protect the trees but also to protect the spirits of our great great fathers, “nyaga Petara Aki, Petara Ini” and the spirit of Sendi.

The Sebuyau Ibans are the legal owner of these lands and forests as substantiated by Department of Land and Survey since 1956. There were many news article written about their heartbreaking efforts to protect their land and forests from further destruction. The Sarawak Barisan Nasional Government of Malaysia is not doing anything to stop the illegal activities. This is a very sad day for Sarawak natives when illegal loggers have more rights and are sanctioned and protected by the current Barisan Nasional Administration in Sarawak, Malaysia. The natives who own the land and forest are watching helplessly while their property is being grabbed and destroyed.


