90 Days to Paralyze the Government

The present civil servants consist of 80% women in Putrajaya, Hospitals 89% female and 98% teachers are female. That is base on these three areas only. What about the rest of the civil servants in other departments?

By Dian

Sweet or sour budget does not affect the people. 100 storey high building, RM500 special financial for civil servant or cheap dirty underwears for Rosmah to do belly dancing or other cheap thrill will not win the hearts of the people.

The usual Elite UMNO clan will continue to receive free pocket money, projects and immunity to the laws in this country.

What more urgent and scary is the fact is that the Government had approved 90 days maternity leave for women without thinking ahead.

The present civil servants consist of 80% women in Putrajaya, Hospitals 89% female and 98% teachers are female. That is base on these three areas only. What about the rest of the civil servants in other departments?

I will repeat my experience about the teachers who taught my daughter in Primary School. Even her Secondary teachers are playing the same dirty game but on a lesser note.

My encounter with this particular Teacher is rather unpleasant, basically she is racist, abusive and has strong dislike for boys. But I will not talk about that today.

Today I want the world to know how she manipulates her pregnancy of getting salary without working.

Out of the six years I have watched her, she got pregnant five times. All the birth dates were on school days. Her game play starts from the first month pregnancy. She would take two days off in that month and will increase her doctor visit to once a week on the six month, then on the seven and eight months she is too sick to teach. Then she is on maternity leave. When she comes back she would create another story her baby needs to see the doctor every week. This goes on for another few months. Whereby she gets pregnant again and the whole process repeat itself. All in, she only teaches around three full months. But the whole sickening part is, she would travel with her husband for oversea trips during these so-called maternity leave and doctor visits. Her baby is well cared for by her mother and two servants.

Replacement teachers are rarely seen, so imagine my frustration when my daughter had to go through five years of her entire six year with not one teacher but three others who also played the same game.

So even without this official 90 days maternity leave, the teachers are already taking 90 days. So what happens when the teachers start taking 120 days each year? What happens when 20% of the 98% female teachers take turn to go on maternity leave? Fate will have it one day 70% of the 98% will collide and take leave on the same days.

Read more at: http://malaysiaflipflop.blogspot.com/2010/10/90-days-to-paralyze-government.html

