Neo-Maya, Neo-Malaya

Verily … the evolution of modern man can be characterized by his worship of the monolith and in building tall structures so that not only he may reach the heavens and touch the gods, but become avatars and demi-gods and enslave fellow men — as those who owns those towers of powers and monoliths of machiavellianism owns the means of writing the script for evolution — ar


Dr Azly Rahman 

And thus sprach Zarathustra,
                   prophet of long ago who spoke of good and evil
of this world as battleground
of the sacred and the profane
of the triumph of Man
of the triumph of Superman

Ahh, what worth is there
     in believing in religion, in philosophy, in the arts
                                      when these are silenced by the State
                      unto which the necessary evil reigns
when the mantra of civilization and progress hath made Man insane

Bring down the walls
      tear down the bricks,
      one by one, and all

Peace be unto the nation
                that builds towers that touch the sky
Unto which Man shall return
               as he hath plundered by the billions
Peace be to the new Temple of the Mayas
of this country now called neo-Malaya
     of towers of power built upon the glory
             of people’ blood, sweat, tears, and fear
Glory Glory Hallelujah …
Amin amin Ya Rabbil Alam ‘in
InsyaAllah things will be fine,
   as they say
              Many prayed while the tyrants wine and dine

Build towers as tall as power allows them to be
So that the leaders can spit on the rakyat
                                     from up in heaven yonder
And the rakyat may happily see that as blessings
And ask for more — in a world wherein modernity means assisted dying

In politics and business lie the evidence
                  of the glorification of the beastiality of Man
                  couched in language of arrogant knowledge
                  that philosophy and poetics cannot triumph,
 in a world of historical complexity

wherein beasts, plunderers, and hell-raisers triumph
over philosopher-rulers and prophets of hope and deliverance.

Towers of power Man so desires
To enlarge the Inner Rings of Fire
         and burn the soul entire
Whilst this too shall pass
As fast as capitalism’s speed in forming caste and class
Whilst this too shall pass — hell-raisers and bloodsuckers
       will feast in merriment –
       till the state coffers run dry leaving the nation aghast

Ah …  progress … progress … progress  we must as our leaders say
Progress we say as we steal from the poor
                  and keep true patriots at bay
Let us tell the people we are one nation under god
One Malaysia indivisible and all
As we plunder — before the general election smash us
                                      Crooks and cronies and all
                                              worse than the broken pieces of Humpty Dumpty’s fall

O’ people down below
Excuse us while we kiss the clouds
            and embrace the limitless sky in our three-piece suits
            and our split-tongued sermons
Excuse me if I have to spit down below from the towers of power
                  and ignore your sorrows
for you are poor because you are lazy
we are wealthy because we are the chosen ones
                   our children born with silver spoons guaranteed

O’ chosen ones — manage this land of plenty
And in God we trust
For all is but a grand design foretold
In this land that grooms dynasties living in lust
                 graced with thrones of gold

Amen. Amen, May God save this nation.

While the opinion in the article is mine,
the comments are yours;
present them rationally and ethically.

