DPM: Umno politics not racist

By The Star

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno will not be apologetic when fighting for the rights and interests of the Malays but at the same time its leaders are fully aware that they have to share political power and the economic cake with the other races, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said.

He said the race-based politics practised by Umno was not “racist politics”.

The Deputy Prime Minister said Umno leaders were fully aware that sharing political power and the economic cake with other races was the best way to create and ensure harmony and peace in a multiracial nation.

CLICK HERE for video of speech.

“History is witness to the fact that when Umno leads, not only the Malays get the benefits but all other races enjoy them too.

“As such, we will neither hesitate nor be apologetic to fight for a fair economic distribution for the Malays and bumiputras,” said the Umno deputy president when opening the Women, Youth and Puteri assembly here last night.

Muyhiddin said that as Malay unity was a pre-requisite to the country’s political stability, the matter could not be viewed separately from national unity.

He said Malay unity in itself was core to national unity.

So, in that context, Umno would continue to spearhead the struggle to unite the Malays and Muslims.

“Umno will work together with any Malay and Islamic-based NGOs to strengthen unity and political stability.

“And again, we will not be apologetic in protecting our Malay identity, in upholding the Malay culture and heritage as long as we are fair to everyone,” he said.

Muhyiddin also said feelings of suspicion among people of different races must be eliminated and racist debates must cease immediately.

He said no one should question the privileges of the Malays as well as the rights of the other races that had been clearly spelt out in the Constitution.

“To the Malays, I would like to stress that Umno as the core party for the Malays will continue to protect their rights, the position of Islam, the Malay Rulers institution, the position of Bahasa Melayu and ensure that they will get social and economic justice fairly.

“To other races, Umno as the core party of the nation, will respect their rights and being an inclusive Malay party, Umno will ensure that no single race will be left (behind) and sidelined from enjoying the benefits of development,” he said.

