Shahrizat: Opposition champions of rhetorics

By Fazy Sahir, Free Malaysia Today

“It is heart-wrenching to see the rakyat who were made to believe in these promises, especially in opposition-held constituencies… left to fend for themselves after the 2008 political tsunami.

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno Wanita chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil today slammed opposition parties accusing them of being champions of rhetorics and playing seasonal politics to suit their needs with an agenda of destablising the nation politically.

She also claimed that the motive of opposition party politicians was not to ensure stability of the country but to look for an alternative route to ensure they take over the federal administrative centre in Putrajaya.

“This (looking for an alternative route to Putrajaya) is important to a few opposition personalities who do not have the stability and wellbeing of Malaysia at heart. This is the only thing they want.”

“They do not care of the deadly accidents that occur on the political highways; people die and are killed,” she said in her policy speech at the Wanita Umno general assembly at the Putra World Trade Centre, here.

Shahrizat claimed that the rakyat were thirsting for Barisan Nasional leadership as they have realised that the sweet promises made by the opposition prior to the 2008 general election were all lies.


