Another Joke from Syed Hamid

By Masterwordsmith

This morning, when I was enjoying my usual cup of white coffee while reading the news from various online portals, my husband suddenly burst into laughter. He drew my attention to THIS ARTICLE in The Sun on “I Know What Public Transport is Like” .

Excerpt from that report:

What does someone who is chauffeured around in a luxury car know about the woes of the average commuter?

This question was posed to Land Public Transport Commission (LPTC) chairman Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar today, who replied: “I use public transport once in a while.”

Syed Hamid was quizzed by this reporter on the observation that many of those overseeing public transport were unaware of the realities of public transport as they themselves relied on chauffeur-driven transport.

“If you build schools, it doesn’t mean you go to the school you built. But it is important for us to try the service so that we have a better feel of it. When we get back, we get the feedback from people and we know the wishes of the people,” he said after launching the KLIA Express VIP Service at KL Sentral here.

However, Syed Hamid insists he is getting enough of the feel of the average commuter who faces delayed and crammed trains and buses, overcharging cabbies and lack of connectivity.

“I use public transport once in a while … taxis and others. This is the reason why we need to improve public transport. From my place, there is no connectivity. The interconnectedness of public transport must be improved. It must be more efficient,” said Syed Hamid, who had spoken earlier of his experiences travelling by train from Kuala Lumpur to Johor.

Asked when he took the trip he spoke of, Syed Hamid said he took it “30 years ago”.

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