Battle Putrajaya: With our lives we’ll keep the traitor at bay

(Free Malaysia Today) – Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak today sounded a strident clarion call for Umno members to defend the administrative capital from Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Although he did not name Anwar in his speech at the Umno annual general assembly here, it was clear that the premier was referring to him when he used the term “traitor”.

“Are we willing to give our beloved Malaysia to this traitor of race and nation?” he asked, drawing a thunderous “no” from the audience.

Umno leaders had constantly branded Anwar, who was once their deputy president and now PKR supremo, as someone who had turned his back on the Malay race.

Anwar, who was sacked as deputy premier in 1998, was also, among others, accused of being an American agent.

In another swipe at the opposition leader and Pakatan Rakyat, Najib said those who trample upon each other for power cannot be trusted to govern the country.

“Can we believe Malaysia’s success can be maintained by them. Can Malaysians trust those who have shown nothing but the desire to take the throne?” he asked.

Najib also called on Umno members to defend Putrajaya at all cost from the opposition onslaught in the next general election, even if it meant laying down their lives.

“Even if our bodies are crushed and our lives lost, brothers and sisters, whatever happens, we must defend Putrajaya,” stressed the Umno president.

Malay rights fully protected

Meanwhile, Najib also assured that the privileges and rights of the Malays are fully protected under the Federal Constitution and cannot be disputed, and this fact should be accepted by all races in the country.

He said this fact was agreed upon by the founding fathers representing all the races in the country when it gained independence.

“Even if the two-thirds majority is gained in Parliament, nothing can be changed without the consent of the Council represented by the nine Malay Rulers.

“In other words, it would be pointless to quarrel and use this provision on citizenship to threaten the other races because the provision enshrined is so concrete even if an emergency were to be declared, it still cannot be touched,” he was quoted as saying by Bernama.

In his speech with the theme ‘Empowering the Race to Lead Prosperity’, Najib pointed out that efforts by certain groups to question the position of the Malays as a race whose privileges are protected, had clearly caused uneasiness and dissatisfaction towards the Malays who are noted for their accommodating attitude.


