PAS chides Rosmah over Islamic fashion fest

By FMT Staff

KUALA LUMPUR: The Prime Minister’s wife, Rosmah Mansor, will be the target of nationwide protests at mosques all over the country after Friday prayers tomorrow.

The self-declared First Lady of Malaysia has come under heavy criticism for promoting the recently held Islamic Fashion Festival (IFF), which Muslim groups have said was an insult to Islam and the Prophet.

At the forefront of the angry censure are PAS’s Youth and women’s wings. They have called her a hypocrite, accused her of harbouring ill-intentions towards Islam and told her to repent and apologise to Muslims.

“One of the models wore a revealing outfit which bore a reverse image of the Prophet’s name in Arabic across her chest,” said Youth chief Nasruddin Hassan.

“It was embarassing and clearly shows Rosmah’s ill-intention towards Islam. We urge Rosmah to repent and openly apologise to the Muslim public.”

He called on all Muslims to object to the affront and said tomorrow’s demonstrations would be held at all state mosques.

Lo’ Lo Ghazali, Titiwangsa MP and a prominent member of the PAS’s women’s wing, urged all Muslim NGOs to register their disapproval.

She said there was nothing Islamic about the IFF or the designs it exhibited.

An insulting show

“Even Rosmah herself was not suitably attired when launching the festival,” she said.

“This is hypocrisy. We were loudly protesting when a cartoon of the Prophet was published in Denmark. And here we are now openly using the name of the same Prophet to promote an irrelevant and insulting show.”

She said Muslim NGOs must stand up to Rosmah to prove their integrity.

“I would like to ask these NGOs: Aren’t you ashamed? Don’t you feel insulted that Rosmah has humiliated Islam?”


