Call to suspend media bent on arousing racial sentiments

(Bernama) – An Umno delegate from Kedah on Friday, Oct 22 urged the government to immediately suspend those media which have been arousing racial sentiments as this could disrupt unity in the country.

Datuk Othman Aziz said if these irresponsible media were allowed to continue to do this, their action could also threaten the country’s economic and political stability.

“We want the Home Ministry headed by Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein to be more stern on this issue.”

“Irresponsible publications must be suspended immediately. (There’s) no need to investigate because we’ve heard enough about investigations to be carried out but nothing came out of it.”

“That’s why these irresponsible media have become even bolder, causing the people to be confused about what the government is trying to do,” he said when debating on the party president’s policy speech at the Umno General Assembly, here, on Friday.

On another note, Othman hoped the construction of the RM5 billion Bangunan Warisan Merdeka (Merdeka Heritage Building) announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak when tabling the 2011 Budget recently, be wholly given to Malaysians.

“There’s no point for us to be proud of such a building when the project is given to foreigners to carry out,” he said.

