Stop psy-war on Umno, BN parties told

(Bernama) – A delegate at the Umno general assembly has called on BN component parties to put a stop to their psychological war and cease questioning the rights of the Malays.

Jelebu Umno division chief Jalaluddin Alias said the party’s supreme council, in particular Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, should take charge and be a BN political commander to monitor the matter.

Speaking when debating the Umno president’s policy speech, Jalaluddin took to task MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek for calling for any discussion on the social contract to be made behind closed doors.

“This is a gathering of a Malay party on the struggle for the rights of the Malays. What did he mean when he said that the matter should not be discussed openly?”

“We are speaking on the basis of what the president asked us to do, which is to take care of the interest of all; however, we want the MCA to also respect the feelings of the Malays.”

“It may be true that if the Chinese don’t support us, we won’t be able to win, but if the Malays don’t support the MCA, then all the more the MCA won’t be able to win,” he said.

Chua, when reacting to Najib’s speech yesterday, said the social contract issues should not be discussed in the open because of certain sensitivities.

Permanent chairperson Badruddin Amiruldin, meanwhile, had the audience in stitches when he conveyed a message to Chua in Hokkien.

Although not many understood what he said, they applauded when Badruddin mentioned familiar words like “per sen (per cent)”, “ganggu (disturb)”, “kongsilah (share)”, “bangsa pendatang (immigrant)”, “perlembagaan (constitution)”, “galoh-galoh (fight)” and “Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak”.

He then translated the message, saying: “I said, Soi Lek, I’m speaking as a friend. Do not disturb the 30 per cent Malay equity because you already have 70 per cent. Let’s agree on this because we are one team. We won’t call you immigrant but do not disturb what is ours.”

“There is no need to fight… work as a team, only then can we win the election,” he said.

An Umno delegate from Kedah today urged the government to immediately suspend those media which have been arousing racial sentiments as this could disrupt unity in the country.

Othman Aziz said if these irresponsible media were allowed to continue to do this, their action could also threaten the country’s economic and political stability.

“We want the Home Ministry headed by Hishammuddin Hussein to be more stern on this issue.”

“Irresponsible publications must be suspended immediately. (There’s) no need to investigate because we’ve heard enough about investigations to be carried out but nothing came out of it.”

“That’s why these irresponsible media have become even bolder, causing the people to be confused about what the government is trying to do,” he said when debating on the party president’s policy speech at the Umno general assembly in Kuala Lumpur today.

On another note, Othman hoped the construction of the RM5 billion Warisan Merdeka project announced by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak when tabling the 2011 Budget recently, be wholly given to Malaysians.

“There’s no point for us to be proud of such a building when the project is given to foreigners to carry out,” he said.

