Trishakti and Malaysian politics

Malaysia is facing such a crisis – the near collapse of the Barisan Nasional Paradigm. There are too many questions unanswered and too many structures crumbling – judiciary, education, law enforcement, economics, culture, etc. The third wave is here – postmodernity. The first wave, traditional societies gave way to modernization


Azly Rahman

Come General Election # 13 in Malaysia, who’s going to lead the cybernetic revolution of the Third Force, Third Wave, guided by the Third Eye? The Messiah we need to get us out of the Matrix …

Third Force, Third Wave, Third Eye = Tri-Shakhti … a force that should shape new politics away from the current ideological impasse …Bloggers, commentators in social media must come together and ignite this new intellectual revolution in educating the masses. TRISHAKTI … third force, third wave third eye … A force that will color Malaysian politics blind. A force that will be a vigilante to the abusers of power. No one can stop it. The internet is anarchy — ride its wave.

The Kuhnian Revolution in science proposed that when there are too many questions unanswered as a consequence of the end of history for the prevailing worldview, the paradigm is meeting the near-collapse of its existence. This is said in Kuhn’s classic work The Structures of Scientific Revolution. (Thomas Kuhn is a Harvard historian of science)

Malaysia is facing such a crisis – the near collapse of the Barisan Nasional Paradigm. There are too many questions unanswered and too many structures crumbling – judiciary, education, law enforcement, economics, culture, etc. The third wave is here – postmodernity. The first wave, traditional societies gave way to modernization.

In Malaysia, both waves have failed; as consequence of failed policies of modernization taken over by privatization, Look East, and Malaysian Inc. as policies. Vision 2020 is a meaningless slogan created by the ideology of Mahathirism. Capitalism developed without ethics fueled by greed and convenienced by race-based politics.

The third wave is here. The March 2008 tsunami was warning of its inevitability.

But the Third wave needs a Third Force and a Third Eye; Third Force cannot be stopped, Third Eyes cannot be blinded.

TRISHAKTI is here. We need a leader — an intellectual leader. Current leaders do not understand this force. They are in it and drown by it, like fish in the water.

Let us push this idea to the masses and see it dance in the Malaysian cyberspace and gets translated into praxis. TRISHAKTI resides in the cave — Plato’s cave



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