Only Umno can protect Malay rights, says Najib

By Adib Zalkapli, The Malaysian Insider

Datuk Seri Najib Razak declared today that political power must remain in Umno’s hands to protect the special position of Malays.

He also promised his administration would not roll back affirmative action policies to protect Malay interests.

In winding up his party’s annual meeting, the Umno president attacked political rivals for twisting his words in arguing against his party’s relevance to protect constitutional provisions on Malay rights.

“The other side is very good at twisting my words. He said if the rights are guaranteed, then there is no need for Umno to remain in power,” said Najib in his winding up speech at the Umno assembly here.

“This is definitely not true, because political power must remain in Umno’s hands for us to translate the principles and the spirit of the constitutional position,” he told the 2,500 party delegates gathered here today.

Najib had said that the special position of the Malays was part of the social contract agreed before independence in exchange for citizenship for the non-Malays.

He had also pointed out that the position of Malays was enshrined in the Federal Constitution and could not be easily amended without the consent of the Conference of Rulers.

Today Najib also said that he has been consistent on the issue of special Malay position, adding that he had delivered the same message at the MCA assembly two weeks ago.

“During the MCA assembly, which I officiated, I was surrounded by MCA leaders but what did I say? I said in any country it would be unfair for the majority to have only a small control of the economy,” said Najib to loud cheers from the delegates.

He assured the party that he would not backtrack from the principles of the pro-Bumiputera New Economic Policy (NEP) introduced during the administration of his father Tun Razak Hussein, the second prime minister.

“Who started the NEP? As the son I will ensure the spirit and principle of the struggle continues,” said Najib.


