Wanita rep: Have more Malay teachers in vernacular schools

By The Star

MORE Malay teachers should be placed in vernacular schools besides speeding up the plan to introduce Mandarin and Tamil languages as a subject at national primary schools.

Wanita Umno representative Datuk Norhayati Omar said yesterday the number of Malay teachers in the schools were very low and this was impeding national integration.

She said there were only 2,945 Malay teachers in 1,291 Chinese schools and 523 in Tamil schools which represented an average of two to each school compared to 33,707 non-Malay teachers in 5,881 national schools, which was an average of six to each school.

“If at this level alone teachers are not given the opportunity to mix and interact among them, just imagine how the future generation will be like,” she said.

Norhayati said the Education Ministry need not wait for the reaction and feedback from the vernacular schools to implement the proposal.
