Knocking on doors to woo voters

By Zainal Epi, Free Malaysia Today

GUA MUSANG: The Barisan Nasional and PAS will be adopting the same traditional method of campagning in Galas – going from house to house. It is easier for them to hit the trail in this manner because of the geographical landscape of the constituency.

The candidates will have to go out to reach the people instead of holding ceramah. Many places in in Galas are remote and not easily accesible. Thus, it will be difficult for the residents to find transport to attend the ceramah of the respective parties.

Life is this sedate town is picking up pace as the two old foes hit the trail after nomination closed yesterday with BN’s Abdul Aziz Yusof taking on PAS’ Dr Zulkefli Mohamad in a straight fight.

The battle line was drawn when the returning officer announced the names of the two candidates after both filed their papers and after the objection period was over.

BN is attempting to wrest the seat from PAS which won it in the 2008 general election. Galas comes under the Gua Musang parliamentary constituency being held by former finance minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah since 1971.

Both rival parties have begun their unofficial campaign since the death of the assemblyman Che Hashim Sulaima on Sept 27.

Local issues

Both heavyweights are setting their sights on the Chinese voters (2,317) who are seen as the determining factor in the contest. The Malays (7,125) are equally split while around 90% of the Orang Asli (1,889) are with the BN.

The majority of the Chinese are located at Kampung Pulai, which is surrounded by forest and rubber plantations.


