Malaysia’s Corruption at its Worst

Malaysia is in the lowest rating ever by Transparency International in the latest Corruption Perception Index for 2010. Malaysia is seen plunging down in to serious corruption with an index score of 4.4, the index has a range of 0 to 10, 0 being highly corrupt to 10 being very clean. An index score of 4.4 is deem to be a “serious corruption score” and is rank at 56 out of 178 countries being rated.

As compared to Singapore which is jointly tied at the top spot with Denmark and New Zealand with a high index score of 9.3 being the cleanest of countries.
Dato Paul Low, the President of the local branch of Transparency International noted the plunge was serious not only when compared to the country’s perceived past performances but, more importantly, in relation to other countries worldwide and especially those within the Asean region.

Even tiny Brunei which was included in the CPI for the first time this year, outstripped Malaysia at 5.5.

Drawing special attention to neighbouring Indonesia, Low marked that though it ranks 111 and scored 2.8 on the CPI, the country’s corruption level is seen to be improving steadily under the administration of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Indonesia, which once scored less than 2.0, rose to 2.6 last year and this year improved to 2.8 in the CPI.


