Koh: Humility has given people the wrong idea about me

By The Star

Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon feels humility has not served him well in politics because it gives the wrong impression that he is soft in management.

“When I first joined politics, my father advised me not to talk too much but to deliver. Therefore, I focused on doing my best in service.

“Perhaps, I did not do well in terms of publicity. Maybe because of that, some people have misunderstood me,” Dr Koh told reporters after launching the three-day Toastmasters International District 51 18th semi-annual convention from yesterday to tomorrow.

He added he would try his best to improve his communication skills.

On Oct 4, former Ge­­rakan president Tun Dr Lim Keng Yaik publicly lashed out at Dr Koh over what he called the latter’s weak leadership and inability to resolve problems. Lim subsequently quit as party adviser.

However, he was later appointed by Dr Koh as chairman of the Gerakan Life Members Council.

In his speech earlier at the event, Dr Koh advised the audience not to be too humble about their achievements.

“It’s not that we should boast about our achievements but if you have achieved something, you should say ‘yes’ and admit (humbly), when people asked you.

“So, don’t be too humble. Because I have learnt my humble lessons of being too humble,” he said.
