BN’s Platform in Galas and Batu Sapi

by batsman 

It is obvious that the BN’s platform in Galas and Batu Sapi is its claim to be able to bring development. To prove its point, it has built roads and even houses or promised to build roads and houses in these areas. 

Yet this is just one of the responsibilities of the federal government. Worse, BN deprives the state government of oil royalties and insults it by offering wang ehsan and then makes the claim by saying the Kelantan State Government has no money to bring development to the state. This is like beating up someone and saying that victim is ugly and repulsive with scars and bruises.

It is also obvious that the federal government is using public radio and television for its BN’s political campaigns. In fact dragonblood Rahmat has claimed in his book that the BN uses public servants for their elections campaigns. Perhaps we should now describe government servants as public servants from now on since if we use the term government servant, the BN controlled federal government is more than likely to use public servants for BN’s party political purposes – as BN’s personal servants. 

With all the power and resources under its control, the BN can easily outdo the opposition in its claim to bring development. Those areas which do not vote BN will be starved of development. This is not the job of any government to discriminate. Perhaps we should also not practice racial discrimination from now on since practicing racial discrimination tends to allow the BN to discriminate against voters that did not vote for it. This is only following trends and traditions and it is so easy to follow trends and traditions. 

In fact if the PR follows trends and traditions when it comes to power, it should also have the resources and power to bring the same development in equal measure to the voters who voted for it. So the ability to bring development is a false claim. It is the government’s responsibility to bring development and if the BN hijacks this claim for itself in a party political manner, it seems it has a boastful yet empty platform. 

Thus it is that in reality, the BN only has the claim to be able to discriminate and to make false claims. This is also traditional – at least for the BN. Its favourite tactic is to racially discriminate and thus split the country apart along racial lines. It even discriminates when it offers broadband computers to the poor since it controls who gets it and who does not. It even discriminates when it offers subsidized diesel to fishermen since it controls who qualifies and who does not. The BN is an out and out discriminatory government. 

In fact it should not surprise anyone that after giving away free computers and subsidized diesel, it viciously blames and accuses the recipients of selling these giveaways for a quick buck and then tightens the conditions so that it retains an even greater control on who gets freebies and who does not. The BN is a government that interferes in your everyday routine lives in any way it can (under the excuse you are not mature enough or adult enough to decide for yourself) just to enjoy that control and power it exercises. 

The BN is also very fond of making false claims and practicing calumny. A RM285 million project for military base is uncompleted and yet the claims have gone up to RM 465 million. If this is not making false claims, what is? The PKFZ scandal – the original budget was (it is delayed so long I can’t even remember what the figure is now, RM 3 – 4 billion?), but the claims have gone up 3 – 4 times the budgeted amount to a possible RM 12 billion. If this does not show a great expertise in making false claims what is? 

And then not just once but 2 sodomy accusations? This is expertise way beyond world class. Malaysia truly Boleh! 

OK, so the BN federal government says that what I say is bullshit since it is building the 2nd Penang bridge even though the Penang state government is under the opposition. All I can say is that bear in mind the great ability of the BN to make false claims. Further, the toll has not been fixed yet. If the toll for the finished bridge is RM25 for a private car and RM50 for a commercial vehicle, then the BN would have got a strangle hold on Penang’s jugular. So Penangites should not celebrate the 2nd bridge just yet and wait to see what happens before celebrating. 

In fact bearing in mind the BN’s great expertise for making false claims, it would not surprise me one bit if the houses built in Gua Musang cost at least triple the budgeted amount to build. Anyone bothered to check? So it may be the usual story of “one for you and 3 – 10 for me, whatever I can get away with”. 

In Kelantan, the BN robs the Kelantanese of oil royalties and then say the state government has no money to bring development to the state. In Sabah, the BN robs Sabahan’s blind and says it is the only one that can bring development to the state. In Malaysia in general, the BN brings in Indonesians immigrants by the boatload and says it no longer needs the votes of the Chinese and Indians. 

What a great federal government we have! We have a federal government that can do no wrong! We are truly blessed! No wonder the people voted it into power for over 50 years! heeheehee.
