Ignore critics and build the tower, PNB told

By The Star

Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has told Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) to ignore critics of the RM5bil Warisan Merdeka development project and concentrate on implementing it.

The Deputy Prime Minister said those criticising the project just wanted to see it fail.

“They are probably jealous that PNB has the capability to embark on such a big project that will benefit the country.

“I see them as having an agenda because they continued spinning stories, including that it (the project) is a waste of Government’s money,” he told newsmen after opening the Malaysian Biotech 2010 Conference and Exhibition here yesterday.

Muhyiddin said the critics had ignored the fact that the project was not funded by the Government.

“PNB has been a successful trust manager and its funds have grown over the years.

“Don’t belittle its ability because millions of unit trust investors have benefited from it and surely it knew how to expand its investments,” he said in response to those who were still against the development despite several explanations by PNB.
