Petrol, Galas, Batu Sapi, and the all important vote!

Why was the price of RON95 raised first and RON97 three months later? Why do our government continuously pick on the already suffering ordinary Malaysians first and sparing the upper strata of Malaysian society (who own cars that require RON97)?

By romerz

I actually didn’t want to write a post tonight as I’m currently having ear problems which is causing me balance issues and distress to sit in front of a PC but when I heard that RON97 petrol is going up in price again, I feel that I must share some thoughts even though my head is somewhat pening.

In July of this year, the price of RON95 petrol and diesel were raised in the 5-in-1 price hike. RON97 was left alone until now. Now this to me makes no sense as RON97 is a higher grade of petrol than RON95 which means that those who use RON97 are mostly owners of “performance cars” which runs better on a higher grade of fuel whilst those who use RON95 are the ordinary masses who owns ordinary cars which RON95 would be sufficed to run them. Why was the price of RON95 raised first and RON97 three months later?

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