DPM: Don’t misinterpret must-pass History decision

By Zuhrin Azam Ahmad, The Star

The decision to make History a must-pass subject for Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) is not politically motivated, said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

The public should not misinterpret the decision as being political, he added.

“Why are we afraid of our own history? What is history is history and we cannot concoct something that is not history,” he said.

Muhyiddin said he intends to make History an interesting subject so students can interpret it and use it in their daily lives such as patriotism.

“I don’t think any party should feel suspicious or worried because history is based on historical facts,” he told reporters after opening the Second World Chinese Economic Forum on behalf of the Prime Minister here yesterday.

Muhyiddin, who is the Education Minister, said the public should not be influenced by parties that claimed that the move was a “deception”.

“Don’t be prejudiced. We must have a positive mindset as it is something which is done for the good of our children.

“A committee has been set up to receive feedback from groups or associations,’’ he said, adding that historians of all races would be invited to give reviews.

He also said that the SPM and Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) examinations would go on as scheduled despite the floods in some states.

“All state education directors are monitoring the situation as some schools are already being used as relief centres.

“They will take the necessary action if the schools are not available for the examinations.

“As of now, the dates remain unchanged,” he said.

