EC – The contributor to peoples hatred towards BN

  1. This morning I got up early and I saw a video on Malaysiakini showing Wanita UMNO members dishing money to people attending a dinner in Batu Sapi. I thought it is a very disturbing matter especially when UMNO defended that they were given money to party members who worked for the by-election. When I read what was said by the EC chief in writing; it really ache me. He claims that the EC is convinced that the RM20 disbursed recently to many people prior to a Wanita Umno dinner at Batu Sapi, Sabah, was not to buy votes. I was shocked. But nothing far more shocking with the story that I read in the afternoon.

  2. By 630pm, I saw another writing where it was reported that Nik Aziz was giving alms to the “Orang Asli” and subsequently the comments by the EC Chief really makes me upset. He says that whether alms or otherwise, the action of Nik Aziz contravene the election laws and is considered as a bribery under Election Act. Prior to the football final, Tengku Razaleigh was reported giving stadium tickets to people of Galas. Unfortunately this was not considered as bribery.

  3. This is simply nonsense. The Election Offences ACT 1954 is very clear. What was done by UMNO and PAS in Galas as well as what was done by UMNO in Batu Sapi all breaches the Election Offences ACT? Some breaches section 8 and other section 10. There is no two way about it. Why Nik Aziz need to give alms during an election period? It cannot wait for a few more days? Why was tickets given to be spread among the people of Galas? Why wasn’t the ticket given free to Kelantanese in KL? Why was the Malaysia Cup paraded in Galas upon winning the cup and not in Kota Bharu? The capital of Kelantan is now secondary is it? It seems winning an election in Malaysia without contravening is an impossible mission.

  4. It takes one party to start and the other to reciprocate. In the end it is free for all. Since this cancerous state of affair has gone to such an unhealthy level that having a clean election is an impossible thing, maybe then the solution is to absolve and legalizes all this activity. Why not? This way the incumbent can bribe professionally by building roads, schools and complete abandon projects. It is no different than the action of the government legalizing illegal factories because the problem has gone beyond control.


