72-yr-old who looks 30: PKR cries ‘phantom’

(FMT) SANDAKAN: A Batu Sapi voter, whose identity card stated that she was 72 but her appearance was that of someone four decades younger, had sent PKR running to the Election Commission. The opposition party filed an objection with the EC, claiming that the polling centre chief at the Karamunting primary school had allowed the “phantom voter” to cast her vote.

Commenting on the matter, PKR’s Karamunting district polling chief Mohd Fareez Kamarul Intidzam said: “Her ID showed she was born in 1937 that means the woman is 72. But looking at her she has the face of someone who is in her early 30s.”

He said the woman’s name was “Misbah Sulaiman” and her identity card number was 380203-12-5588. She had turned up to cast her vote at Channel 1 but dissappeared once her identity was exposed.

“The question is how did this woman get pass the EC counter? And if indeed she is a genuine voter then why did she run away. We demand that EC be more transparent and careful and ensure that similar incidents don’t recur.

“This is only one incident, what about other cases? asked Mohd Fareez.

Read more at: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/fmt-english/politics/sabah-and-sarawak/12453-72-yr-old-who-looks-30-pkr-cries-phantom
