My Reply to Tun Mahathir’s Article – Pembinasa and Me

When the 5th PM took over it became so obvious he was incompetent because he had a big huge burden of problems , liabilities and shits leave by the 4th PM after his 22 years of ruling.

By Shen Yee Aun

Tun Mahathir Wrote

1.   When the 5th PM took over, it became obvious he was incompetent and unable to govern the country and grow its economy. He was seen as weak by the Malays as well as by the Chinese and Indians. He flipped-flopped, making decisions and policies and reversing them, arresting opposition members under the ISA and then releasing them shortly after, claiming that he wanted to protect them.

My Reply

When the 5th PM took over it became so obvious he was incompetent because he had a big huge burden of problems, liabilities and shits leave by the 4th PM after his 22 years of ruling. Economic was so bad and our country was in billions of deficit and debt thank to all our great 4th PM for all his mega project and corruption during his administration. ISA is an inhuman act that our 4th PM never remove even after 22 years in charge of the country and he even once uses it for his as his political tool when he operated Operasi Lalang.

Tun wrote,

2. Extremists among the Chinese and Indians felt they could safely challenge the Government, particularly over racial issues. They demanded that provisions in the Constitution favouring the Malays and the NEP quotas be removed. Even Barisan Nasional partners took up the call.

My reply,

Reformist among Chinese and Indians felt that UMNO did not practice and uphold the true definition and meaning of our constitution that is wrongly practice after the 22 years of our dearest and greatest 4th PM administration and ruling. It had causes so much confusion and misinterpretation among the citizen in the society.  Everything that is beneficial for UMNO Malays agenda and then straight away it is being label as a right that is protected by the constitution.

NEP had earlier already removed by our great 4th PM during his time. He replaced it with Dasar Pembangunan Negara. According to him NEP had fail to improve and strengthen the Malays. That why he once claim that “ Malay Easily Forgotten “. So in this case I am not sure whether Tun Mahathir had once forgotten what he had said and did to the nation?

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