Parti Cinta Malaysia & UMNO – Demo ‘Goyang’ Liar & Ganas


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During the presentation of the budget by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, a group of noisy, wild and confused protestors created a scene and caused a traffic jam.

It started with one individual from Parti Cinta Malaysia, Tham Weng Fatt who was upset he ccould enter the compound of the Dewan Undangan Negeri. He shouted that during the Barisan Nasional administration, anyone can walk into the compound and eat at the table set outside. He shouted, yelled and shook the locked gate violently. Reporters tried to tell him that the entrance is at the guardhouse which is a few feet away from the locked gate but he ignored them.

This was followed by a group of Chinese elderly men and women who carried the Parti Cinta Malaysia flag and banner. Apparently, they are not very sure what they are supposed to do. A few looked confused.

Thereafter, another group of mostly Malays joined them. After the initial shouts of ‘Allahuakhar’, their tauntings turned into vulgarities. There were 2 children and a few elderly women in the group. However, these elderly ladies refused to answer questions asked by reporters, including their names.

Chaos ensued when the men started shaking the gate of the Dewan very violently. One even chained himself to the gate.

It is understood that there were three parties involved in the group. One is from the Komtar Traders, one from Balik Pulau and the other is UMNO Youth who said they had collected a lot of money in the region of RM30K from various service centres.

The video has been edited to include the press conference held the next day where political secretary to Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, YB Ng Wei Aik and PAs to the CM I and CM II, Reezal and Satees explained their side of the story.
