Indeed, who is lying?

The People’s Parliament

At 6.34pm today, to the ‘PKR Secretariat responds’ post, Potblack sent in the following comment :

“Bro Haris, Please be responsible in your reporting. Either the Sec.Gen or your informer is telling a lie.So can you tell us honestly whether there is any possibilty that your informer is using you to destroy the creditbility of the PKR elections?”

Potblack, I’m going to try and answer you.

Before I address the Sec-Gen’s statement today, let me just draw your attention to and comment on a statement that appeared in The Malaysian Insider yesterday.

“PKR has denied prominent social activist Haris Ibrahim’s claims that ballot papers for the on-going party election is available outside the polls for cheating by Azmin Ali’s camp, saying those in the lawyer’s possession are from the previous weekend’s voting…

“The problem is, that is the old ballot. This week’s ballot is a different colour,” a senior PKR official told The Malaysian Insider on condition of anonymity.

It is understood that party secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution will issue a statement on the matter as soon as possible. He is also due to announce this weekend’s results on Monday”Malaysian Insider.

The ballot papers that I disclosed in my post yesterday ‘is the old ballot’, according to a senior PKR official.

The question of how I and the informant came to be in possession of this ‘old ballot’ has not been addressed.

This is an important question that has gone unanswered.

The very fact of my possession of the same contradicts the very first statement quoted.

At 2pm today, I met and had coffee with Dr Molly Cheah, the chairperson of the PKR central election committee, the body tasked with the duty of ensuring that the ongoing PKR elections is indeed free and fair.

I met her to hand over the copies of the ballot papers received from the informant, the serial numbers duly removed.

Interestingly, this was the first she was actually seeing the ballot papers.

It is for her now to verify, if she cares to, if these were indeed from the batch of ballot papers printed by HQ for use in weekend No.1 of the party elections, from 29th October to 31st October..

And if so, how then did I, who have no role to play in this electoral process, and the informant who had in his possession at least 100 of the same and  claimed to have access to more than 1,000, come to be in possession of these if the central election committee have the ballot papers intended for use in all 4 weekend elections secured under lock and key?

Or, as appears to be the case, is the safekeeping of these ballot papers now entrusted to staff at the Secretariat who were intended to assist the central election committee on administrative matters, and no more?

If so, what other duties and functions of the central election committee have been assumed or, worse, seized, by these Secretariat staff?

Who is overseeing the elections, in truth?

If it is not the central election committee, then who?

The Secretariat staff again?

Free and fair elections overseen by Secretariat staff, then, and not Molly Cheah and her committee, anymore?

How convenient!

Potblack, in my post yesterday, I wrote that the informant explained that the central election committee returning officer could manipulate the list of members attending at the ongoing elections, where voter turnout is low, adjust it upwards and stuff additional ballot papers into the ballot box.

Saifuddin, in his press statement speaks of 5 security features : serial numbers, stamp of the Election Officer, different colour paper used for each week’s ballot papers, presence of candidates counting agents, and a tallying sheet.

Who is lying, you ask, Potblack?

