A Promise Is A Promise

It must have been a very emotional and disappointing moment for many Pakatan supporters to read of the results of recent by-election in Batu Sapi; and more so in Galas as it was previously won by Pakatan. Pakatan’s loss, if it were a pill, must have tasted like shit.

Of the 49 words written above, I’d like to work on the word “emotional”. Many supporters are getting too emotional over Pakatan’s defeat. In a moment of despair, they have, without considering the damage, begun making sharp and hurtful comments. “It’s over for Pakatan!” screamed some. “They’re a bunch of useless and arrogant pricks” others shouted. “They’ll never make it to PutraJaya!” predicted yet some more. Emotional thoughts are powerful; yet dangerous thoughts. People kill in a moment of insanity only to regret it later.

In trying to justify the reasons for Pakatan’s defeat, many (including emotional me), began to look for perceived weaknesses in Pakatan; maybe it’s their frequent in-fighting, bad administration, or poor leadership perhaps, what about moles, etc; etc. Oh, there are MANY theories; trust me – not only about why Pakatan lost but also why BN won. I’m sure many Pakatan leaders are now rushing to read Sun Tzu’s battle manual. So let’s not disturb their reading…

My story is not about why Pakatan lost the two by-elections. It is about whether we should continue to believe in Pakatan. Already, many “die-hard” supporters have begun their journey of soul-searching. Are we still confident that Pakatan IS the party that will lead Malaysia forward? Are we still confident that Pakatan IS the party that will unite Malaysians? And the mother of all questions – Are we still confident the rakyat are REALLY ready for change and give Pakatan the winning mandate to form the next government in the coming GE? Are we? Well, I can only speak for myself. To help you decide, especially those voting for the first time; this is what I say to myself…

There is a saying, “One swallow does not a summer make”. Many, it seem, suddenly see Pakatan as a lost cause; and a lost hope all because they flunked both the by-elections. Please remember; since the 2008 tsunami, there had been 13 by-elections, including the recent 2, and Pakatan had won 8. If you were playing roulette in Genting Highlands and had won 8 out of 13 games, you would be very pleased with your luck.

The 2008 GE signaled a political paradigm shift. People were getting tired of BN and their one-party dominance along with their failed social and economic promises. The people wanted change and see Pakatan as the vehicle. Pakatan gave us the solemn promise that if they make it to PutraJaya, we can expect CHANGE. Not just the government but social and economic policies changes that will benefit and unite Malaysians as one.

What happened here recently might be seen as a mirror of what happened in the US just days ago when Obama lost control of the House of Representatives to the Republicans. And, when asked about the Democrats’ loss, he offered, “Leadership is not just about legislation. It’s a matter about persuading people; giving them confidence; bringing them together; setting a tone; and making an argument that the people can understand. And I think we haven’t been always successful at that. And I take personal responsibility for that. It’s something I’ve got to examine closely as I move forward”.

