No one race can develop country alone, says Muhyiddin

By Hamdan Raja Abdullah, The Star

MUAR: No one race can single-handedly turn Malaysia into a developed country, says Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

The efforts of all races were needed, he added.

“We want to achieve a developed nation status and no one race can do it without the support and commitment from the other races.

“We are not only talking about the Malays, the Chinese, the Indians; but all ethnic groups, including those in Sabah, Sarawak and the orang asli.”

The 1Malaysia concept mooted by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak was aimed at ensuring all races achieved progress, he said at the Sheng Hong Ji Siang temple’s sixth anniversary celebration where he presented cash aid to 269 people in Panchor.

The Pagoh MP said he was proud to see the temple’s welfare body headed by businessman Datuk Teo Wee Cheng adopting the 1Malaysia concept in giving charity.

He said like the Barisan Nasional government, the association had never asked about the race or religion of its recipients before giving out assistance.

Muhyiddin said for the past six years, the association had given out more than RM400,000 to the poor and needy families.

Many of the recipients were Malay and Indian families, including the handicapped, the single mothers, poor students and orphans.

Earlier, Teo said the welfare body of the temple comprised leaders from several temples and non-governmental organisations in the district.

“Our welfare body likes to help people regardless of race or religion, and we hope to continue doing this as as long as we are able to,” he said.

At another function in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday night, Muhyiddin urged Islamic preachers to be a rational voice in society to counter religious extremism.

As a respected group, the preachers could play an important role in explaining the true teachings of Islam more effectively.

“I believe our multi-cultural and multi-religious society appreciates views and arguments presented in a rational and courteous manner,” Muhyiddin said in his speech at an event to mark the 50th anniversary of the Muslim Welfare Organisation of Malaysia at the Federal Territory mosque.
