You Win Some, You Lose Some, Or Is It?

Knowing that you are fighting your enemy who is holding the upper hand by being the ruling government and with the backing of all the institutions that they control and the vast amount of resources they have, you cannot simply go for every battle against your enemy head on every time. 

By Richard Loh

My earlier posting before nomination day had indicated to Pakatan to look at the possibility of giving the two by-elections a miss after my simple evaluation that Pakatan will lose. Read“> here and“> here.

The very simple fact is that PM Najib and BN needed these wins desperately to probe up their falling credibility and support. They knew that they have to win, its a do or die mission. Knowing PKR and partly PR are in disarray, their confidence in winning is rather high.

Pakatan on the other hand is still on cloud nine, even though my suspicion is that they knew that their chances of winning is low especially in Batu Sapi. Even if it is a 50-50 chance, Pakatan need not have to contest to proof anything and there is nothing to lose.

With the latest two by-election results favoring umno-bn, the score now stands at, Pakatan 8 and umno-bn 5. Many are treating these by elections like it is a sporting game, you win some and you lose some.

These by elections are not a game but ‘battles’. In any sporting game you have coaches, follow daily routine, restricted food consumption, you face your opponent on equal footing and strictly follow by the rules, trying to play dirty will get you disqualified.

There are referees in all sporting games and 99% of them are refereeing with integrity and standing on neutral ground.

To me, these by elections are political ‘battles’ against your political enemy. There are no coaches to teach you how to fight a political battle. Everyone from the commander in chief down to the foot soldiers will have to fight, i.e kill or be killed. There are referees also in these political battles but we know that they are 100% bias and are aligned with your enemy. Pakatan by now should have learned from all past elections how their enemy fights and won their many political battles.

Knowing that you are fighting your enemy who is holding the upper hand by being the ruling government and with the backing of all the institutions that they control and the vast amount of resources they have, you cannot simply go for every battle against your enemy head on every time.

You may had won a few battles earlier but it is not shameful to make retreat for one or two battles when you know that you are going to lose. These are only small battles, would it be better to retreat on these battles and get prepared for the real big war?

By going into battles that you are going to lose will give your enemy better positioning, presenting their new arsenals and gain territory by whatever means, legal or illegal does not matter because the referee is on their side.

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