MCA Is More Frightening And Dangerous Compared To PAS pt.1

MCA had forgotten or pretend to forget that they had supported UMNO in declaring that secular Malaysia is already an Islamic country through self declaration by two Prime Ministers. MCA has yet to explain why UMNO-BN can turned secular Malaysia into an Islamic country without amending the constitution in Parliament.

By Richard Loh

With Or Without MCA, Malaysian Chinese Can Still Survive. MCA To Many Malaysian Chinese Is Now A Meaningless Chinese Association”.

MCA continues to use the outdated Islamophobia as their political tool in trying to win back the Chinese voters. They keep on harping on the Islamic laws that PAS will impose on the rakyat and turn the country into an Islamic State upon PAS taking over the Federal Government.

MCA, besides being a political party is now also a fortune teller or rather a ‘future teller’. Even though MCA knew very well that PAS can never win over two thirds of the Parliamentary seats in order for PAS to amend the constitution and change secular Malaysia into an Islamic country, they are still persistence that PAS can do it. Even on paper and theoretical calculation it had proven that PAS will not be able to do so, yet MCA, a ‘future teller’ said it can.

MCA had forgotten or pretend to forget that they had supported UMNO in declaring that secular Malaysia is already an Islamic country through self declaration by two Prime Ministers. MCA has yet to explain why UMNO-BN can turned secular Malaysia into an Islamic country without amending the constitution in Parliament.

Let us assumed that MCA ‘future telling’ came true and PAS miraculously without a two thirds majority (maybe with MCA’s help) managed to turn secular Malaysia into an Islamic State and started implementing the Islamic laws. Here, MCA failed to tell the non-muslims that PAS Islamic laws only apply to the muslims.

MCA playing with this Islamophobia political game gave the credence that Pakatan Rakyat is really strong and capable of capturing Putrajaya. It also indicates that MCA is a dying breed and they have to fight back with every means,logical or not, true or not does not matter, to win back the Chinese voters.

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