MCA Is More Frightening And Dangerous Compared To PAS pt.2

By Richard Loh

You can read part 1 at:

Anyone ever wonder why MCA is so fearful of Islamic Malaysia becoming an Islamic country. No, there is no writing mistake on Islamic Malaysia because according to Umno-BN with support from MCA, Malaysia is already an Islamic country.

I am not familiar about the Islamic religion but my questions to MCA are, “what is the difference between Umno-BN Islamic Malaysia and PAS Islamic country? Are there two or more types of Islamic religion in this country? Is MCA trying to confuse the non muslim into believing that Umno-BN Islamic Malaysia is better than PAS Islamic country?”

Is it not frightening to see MCA telling you that their apple is sweeter as compared to the one that you have when both apples were plucked from the same apple tree?

After sleeping with UMNO for 54 years, exactly what have MCA done other than telling the Chinese that MCA is relevant to fight and protect their needs and rights. As far as the Chinese can remember, they are self reliance, study and work hard to sustain their own living without any hand outs or help.

The MCA refused to acknowledge their failure to look after the Chinese welfare and hence got the thrashing at the 12th GE. What is happening today, the depriving of higher education, footing the additional cost of buying houses against the 10% bumi discount, facing racist remarks, being called all sorts of names, unfair distribution of development funds to Chinese schools, failure to regconised college and university degrees, difficulty in obtaining citizenship for eligible and qualified spouses and the list of unfair treatment goes on.

Is this the way of MCA, claiming to fight and protect the Chinese rights and welfare?

MCA will only make their presence felt when general elections are round the corner and at by elections. The 13th GE is just round the corner and you can now hear the rumbling voices from MCA and this time they are allowed to make more daring noises, with approval from UMNO, like calling for better equality, calling for actions to be taken  against the racist principles, challenging UMNO for this and that. MCA is now bolder in voicing and tackling UMNO to show the Chinese that MCA has changed.

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