Muhyiddin: Zahid needs to explain his recent remarks

By The Star

KOTA KINABALU: Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi needs to explain his recent remarks about the lack of patriotism among the non-Malays and apologise if necessary, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said.

He said the Government had never questioned the patriotism of the people in a nation filled with diverse communities.

“There could be many reasons and the Defence Minister should explain in detail about the statement he made,” Muhyiddin said yesterday when asked about the furore among Barisan Nasional and Opposition leaders following Dr Zahid’s remarks in Parliament.

Dr Zahid had told Parliament on Tuesday that non-Malays made up less than 1% of recruits in the armed forces in 2008 and 2009, adding that a lack of patriotism was among the reasons.

Muhyiddin said that if Dr Zahid had gone overboard with his remarks, he should apologise. “As human beings, we are like that. I too have expressed my apologies if I’ve made a mistake.

“Once something is uttered, it is difficult to retract it,” he added.

MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai described Dr Zahid’s remarks as irresponsible, adding that the Defence Ministry should look into the recruitment system and find the root of the problem.

MCA vice-president Senator Gan Ping Sieu said in a statement that fewer non-bumiputras in the military did not mean that they were less patriotic.

“Malaysians can also show their patriotism through simple acts such as being law-abiding, hardworking and making the country prosper,” Gan said.

The Deputy Youth and Sports Minister said patriotism could be seen among Malaysian athletes when they compete overseas.

“All leaders must realise that patriotism cannot be quantified by the number of personnel in the army. Patriotism is a deep sense of national pride and willingness to sacrifice that cannot be enumerated,” Gan said.

Former Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Yong Teck Lee said Dr Zahid should not forget the country’s history where people of all races fought side by side for the country’s independence.
