Last Call Pakatan Rakyat: Shape Up Or Ship Out!

Contrary to many who believed that the 13th GE is a do or die mission for Umno-BN, I would say its just the opposite, its a do or die mission for PR if PR does not shape up it will be shipped out.

By Richard Loh

Many of my friends including myself are working very hard behind the scene in spreading the message and calling for the March To Putrajaya by supporting Pakatan Rakyat.

Lately, many are getting very tired and feel illusion from the behavior of PR leaders, mainly from PKR. As usual, like any other leaders, they only wanted to listen to the people surrounding them which very often provided them with only news, false or otherwise that the leaders wanted to hear and not from the rakyat on the ground.

The voters trusted and believed in Anwar Ibrahim, a true and capable leader that can lead the change for a better Malaysia. His capability to cement and bond the three political parties, DAP, PAS and PKR together is well known everywhere.

Now, what happened to this great figure, who seems not able to resolve his own party problem? Is his party so much bigger than the three parties coalition that he cannot controlled nor managed? Is he being fed the wrong information from his close aids that everything is still fine, his support is gaining more ground and Putrajaya is now within reached or even closer? But let me tell him, the sentiment on the ground is totally different, many are questioning his integrity and ability to lead them to Putrajaya. How can he lead the whole country when he cannot even put out the small fire now raging inside his party?

DAP also has its own problems but kept under tab, how long can it hold before all the problems burst into the open? They really need to look into it and solved the problems and not to let it simmer.

PAS will most likely face with problems only when Umno challenged and instigated the Malays regarding religion and PAS working with DAP.

Contrary to many who believed that the 13th GE is a do or die mission for Umno-BN, I would say its just the opposite, its a do or die mission for PR if PR does not shape up it will be shipped out.

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