A humble reply to Kua Kia Soong article about Zaid Ibrahim and 3rd Force

Zaid Ibrahim may lead 3rd force but that do not mean that the 3rd force is form to fight for 1 individual cause and that also do not mean that Zaid Ibrahim is representing the entire voice of the 3rd force. This alone already differentiate 3rd force from Pakatan Rakyat.

By Shen Yee Aun

A humble reply to Kua Kia Soong article about Zaid Ibrahim and 3rd Force

I have tried to search for the substance of the ‘visionary’ Zaid Ibrahim, but I can’t find it! I have only heard his hazy support of liberalism and democracy.

The moment Kua Kia Soong trying to search for a substance of the visionary of Zaid Ibrahim , then that is the time that he is finding about the wrong truth and perception about the 3rd force. 3rd force is not about Zaid Ibrahim.

Zaid Ibrahim may lead 3rd force but that do not mean that the 3rd force is form to fight for 1 individual cause and that also do not mean that Zaid Ibrahim is representing the entire voice of the 3rd force. This alone already differentiate 3rd force from Pakatan Rakyat.

So how is this Third Force going to ensure that their leaders are not going to jump ship? If the answer is that the Third Force politicians have ‘higher’ political principles than those of Pakatan, how do you measure the level of ‘principled-ness’? What guarantees can they give the rakyat?

First of all we must come back to the current nature of our dearest Malaysian politics. Talking about reality of jump ship then my question will be as simple as what do the 3rd force have to offer compare to Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat ?

Barisan Nasional got cash to offer and Pakatan Rakyat got position to offer. By this alone already gave a good measurement of higher political principles by the 3rd force comparing to Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat.

So how is this Third Force going to ensure that their leaders are not going to jump ship? If the answer is that the Third Force politicians have ‘higher’ political principles than those of Pakatan, how do you measure the level of ‘principled-ness’? What guarantees can they give the rakyat?

Asking the 3rd force to give assurance about their leader wont jump ship is something that is not so rational. We cannot claim that just because of the 3rd force cannot give such assurance then it deny the rights for the 3rd force to be part of the entity in the country democracy system.

To be realistic the 3rd force will come out with a proper mechanism and try best to prevent such thing to happen or to at least minimize it if we cannot avoid it. To be fair to the 3rd force as well that this culture of jump ship directly or indirectly already being spoil by both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat. The 3rd force cannot change the whole system and culture over night.

But what will make the 3rd force different from the rest is that 3rd force is strongly against such culture and practice

How do we know these are truly ‘born again’ democrats?

How do we not know that these are not truly born again democrats? The reason why I reply back this question with his question is simple. This is because he is just pointing out a question that is way too hard to get an exact answer. Is so subjective.

Moreover the 3rd force is not about few individuals. Is about a different option and choice to the rakyat to decide. If the rakyat think they are then the rakyat will support this force. If the rakyat think they are not then is the rakyat democracy to support whoever that they wants. Is not up to us to decide.

We cannot claim that just because Ramlee burger do not have this and that compare to McDonalds and Burger King therefore Ramlee burger should not exist in the market. For sure there segment of market and people in the society who prefer Ramlee burger.

Read more at: http://politik.shenyeeaun.com/?p=279
