Najib: Malaysia without Chinese has no future

By guansin

I came across a very interesting headline on the Nov 3rd edition of Sin Chew Daily. Its front page flashed the catchy “Najib: Malaysia without Chinese has no future”. A very bold statement and direct recognition of the role played by the Chinese community by the prime minister. Being well aware of UMNO-BN’s divide-and-conquer tactics in the last five decades, I decided to translate it into English and Malay.

Interestingly, the bold statement was read by Najib’s deputy Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin. Usually when a UMNO president (Najib in this case) affirms the position of the non-Malay, its deputy will use it back in the Malay community to backstab his boss. Unfortunately, in this case Muhyiddin had to read Najib’s speech because the latter was ill. It would be weird for the former to perform the backstabbing.

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