Now a DAP leader casts doubts on party polls

By G Vinod, Free Malaysia Today

PETALING JAYA: Coming hot on the heels of the accusation-ridden PKR polls, a DAP veteran has now cast aspersion on his party polls.

Ipoh Barat MP M Kulasegaran described the outcome of yesterday’s Perak DAP contest, which saw his team being obliterated, as shocking.

“What should have been a healthy contest between aspiring candidates turned out to be of a slaughter of capable, committed and dedicated comrades.

“It was shocking since capable and dedicated leaders were heavily defeated. They lost to candidates who have no track record and were lesser or hardly known in and outside the party,” he said.

While accepting his defeat and vowing to soldier on with DAP, Kulasegaran however questioned the legitimacy of the contest.

“There have been questions about the entitlement of about 50 branches to send 350 delegates to the convention and this will definitely cast doubts on whether the winners have the right to claim moral authority for their victory.

“I accept my defeat as in any contest, one either wins or loses. I am pained though, by such a setback,” he said in a statement.

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Kualasegaran also said that Perak DAP chief Ngeh Koo Ham had called him this morning offering him the position of state party vice-chairman.

“I shall seek feedback and views from party leaders and grassroots, as well supporters on whether I should accept such a co-option. Among the factors which I shall like to find out is how I can continue playing an effective role in state politics,” he said.

At the state election yesterday, candidates aligned to Ngeh and his cousin, Nga Kor Ming, won handsomely sweeping through all positions except one.

Among the casualties were Pasir Pinji and Pasir Berdamar state assemblymen Thomas Su and Seoah Leong Peng respectively. Only incumbent state treasurer Leong Mee Meng, who is aligned to Kulasegaran was elected to the party’s state committee.

Yesterday at a press conference after the polls, Ngeh in an attempt to close ranks with those who lost in their bid, announced that Kulasegaran, former state vice-chairman C K Leong, Cheah Poh Hian and Alvin Lim would be co-opted into the new state committee.

DAP central executive committee member and Sungkai state assemblyman A Sivanesan was also on the list.


