The Case of Rosli Dahlan, lest it be forgotten

Din Merican

In my posting of  September 16,  2010 entitled “The MAS Story: Of Arrogance and Folly”, I wrote about the arrogance of Tajudin Ramli and how he is still free and wealthy despite causing MAS to suffer losses of RM 8billion. I questioned why no action has been taken against him. I questioned what the MACC is doing with the expose’ that Attorney-General (AG) Gani Patail is involved with Tajudin’s henchman, Shahidan Shafie. I even questioned of A-G Gani Patail’s manipulations in criminal investigations.

The Fixer and Evidence Fabricator

The matters that I raised are shared by the Member of Parliament for Kubang Kerian and PAS Vice- President, YB Salahuddin Ayub, who has again reminded the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to take action on the RM8 billion loss incurred by Malaysia Airlines Berhad (MAS).  YB Salahuddin said the matter had long been raised in Parliament, and a formal letter of complaint was also sent to PAC chairman, Dato Seri Azmi Khalid:

“I have raised the issue of the two letters which I sent to PAC chairman, Azmi Khalid on 13 December

PAC chairman, Dato Seri Azmi Khalid

2009 and again on 30 August 2010, in which I appealed PAC to take certain actions on losses suffered by MAS amounting to RM8 billion.

I have also raised these issues in two letters followed by my debate in Parliament,” he told a press conference at the Parliament lobby.

That A-G Gani Patail is involved in manipulations and selective prosecution is now confirmed in a strongly worded public letter by Datuk Mat Zain bin Ibrahim, former KL’s Officer in Charge of Criminal Investigations (KL OCCI). This is what Datuk Mat Zain had to say of A-G Gani Patail :

In short, the delay in completion of the investigation was due to the unprofessional manner the IP (Investigation Paper) was handled by the AG Chambers, and in particular by Tan Sri Gani Patail himself. I can say without fear of favour that if there were misleads then it was Gani Patail who misled and if there was manipulations of evidence then it was he who initiated them.

A-G Gani Patail is involved in manipulations, and selective prosecution is now confirmed in a strongly worded public letter by Datuk Mat Zain bin Ibrahim, former KL’s Officer in Charge of Criminal Investigations (KL OCCI)

I highlighted the “Global Settlement” that Tajuddin Ramli is seeking with all the Government Linked Companies (GLCs) that have sued him including MAS. I expressed my concern that Lawyer Rosli Dahlan will be made a scapegoat, and that in the end the “Global Settlement” will result in all the criminal cases against Tajuddin which have been identified by Dato Ramli Yusuff, former Director CCID PDRM, to be permanently buried. That his crimes which have been NFA (No Further Action)’d by the A-G Gani Patail will not be re-opened.

Criminal cases against Tajuddin which have been identified by Dato Ramli Yusuff, former Director CCID PDRM are to be permanently buried.

I also questioned about Lawyer Rosli Dahlan whom I suspected was losing stamina and resolve as a result of his own case which is being dragged on by the MACC. My suspicion that the MACC is being used to oppress Rosli Dahlan has now been confirmed by the public  letter of Dato Mat Zain as follows:

It only shows that MACC and the Chambers are prepared even to go to the extent of affirming false affidavit to screen Gani Patail from legal punishment.”

However, my concerns may have appeared to be a criticism of Rosli Dahlan’s integrity. That was not what I intended. I wanted to explain why Rosli’s case was important in our quest for truth and justice.  It is about the hazards when a man of integrity has to go through on a solo mission to expose the abuses of those in corridors of power. Rosli may have been slighted by what I wrote. Since then, I have not been able to get in touch with him. I can now understand why.

It only shows that MACC and the AG Chambers are prepared even to go to the extent of affirming false affidavit to screen Gani Patail from legal punishment.

It appears that the representation letter which Rosli wrote to MACC’s Dato’ Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed did not contain any of the grovelling of a broken men begging for mercy on bended knees. On the contrary, it is a letter written by a man with full conviction of knowing right from wrong, a man seeking justice because he is entitled to it. I now know why neither the MACC’s Abu Kassim nor A-G Gani Patail responded to Rosli because he refused to beg in his letter. The conclusion that we can draw is that the MACC will cover up for the powerful but will make sacrificial lambs of the innocent.

Do not make Lawyer Rosli a sacrificial lamb!

Rosli’s appeal letter is a bit of a sad letter, written during the last Ramadan, with the hope to be released on the 3rd anniversary that the MACC abused him and inflicted on him and his family the nightmare in 2007. It has become a long nightmare. While his friend and client, Dato’ Ramli Yusuff, who was the principal accused person, has been long acquitted, Rosli’s life and career is still in suspension.


