Why Are We Still Fighting?

Everyone seem to have their own ideas about what’s going on and everybody who is anybody will have an “expert” opinion about who is right and wrong and what we should do. I’m not saying I know who the clever ones are or whose opinion sucks. But what I DO know is BN is probably sitting there quietly drinking their coffee and watching with increasing confidence that the coast is getting clearer by the day for them to announce the date for the next general election. AND WIN BIG.

Daily, there is ample fodder for anyone to spend 10 hours reading “right off the oven” materials, either about BN or Pakatan on the Internet. I’m sure you know where to find the juicy ones so I’ll not even suggest where you should start looking.

The whole party is out there in cyberspace, all congregated for one purpose only – either hammer BN or hammer Pakatan. I don’t claim to have understood all the noise because it is DEAFENING!!

Everyone seem to have their own ideas about what’s going on and everybody who is anybody will have an “expert” opinion about who is right and wrong and what we should do. I’m not saying I know who the clever ones are or whose opinion sucks. But what I DO know is BN is probably sitting there quietly drinking their coffee and watching with increasing confidence that the coast is getting clearer by the day for them to announce the date for the next general election. AND WIN BIG.

Apparently all the noise on the ground had shifted recently. Instead of exposing bad governance and corruption to help us decide which party we should be voting for; everyone is headed for a ringside seat watching some commenters and writers slugging it out in the mud about some recent unimportant political developments in Pakatan. Some who were initially very focused on getting the folks to read about all those unsavory and alarming corrupt misdeeds of BN which we don’t normally get to read in the MSM or TV, seem to have redirected their energies to nothing more than just talking about whom they like and whom they don’t in Pakatan! And the people seemed to be HAPPILY enjoying such bullshit throwing mud at each other’s face. WTF! BN’s misdeeds no longer seemed so important anymore.

We seem to be searching for the perfect Mr. Opposition & Company. Personally, I think it is a waste of time because such animals don’t exist on this planet. If we look up the dictionary, “perfect” is; among others; defined as excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement, exactly fitting the needs of a situation, entirely without flaws, defects, or shortcomings. We hear people saying, “I have the perfect wife”, or “I have the perfect husband”, or “This is the perfect company”, or “We have the perfect plan”, and we know they’re all talking nonsense. Wake up! We won’t find anything that is “perfect” LEAST OF ALL IN A POLITICIAN!!


