Umno says Pakatan government in Selangor is ‘worse than BN’

(TMI) Umno has accused the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) Administration in Selangor of being “worse than BN” in practising cronyism and had clearly mismanaged public funds in the state development corporation (PKNS) and Yayasan Selangor.

“He [Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim] says that he is the best Selangor menteri besar,” said Selangor opposition chief Datuk Seri Dr Khir Toyo, who was the previous Mentri Besar in the Barisan Nasional (BN) Administration..

“But if he is the best Menteri Besar, I think that his Administration should not waste money like this,” he told I

Khalid Ibrahim was forced this week to deny his Administration was involved in spending an exorbitant amount for a Yayasan Selangor luncheon to celebrate its 40th anniversary.

The luncheon was scheduled for yesterday but was cancelled after the Selangor Sultan snubbed it over its exorbitant cost.

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has started investigations into Yayasan Selangor’s extravagant celebration.

Other allegations against Yayasan Selangor reportedly include the purchase of luxury cars, a RM170,000 buka puasa function; RM200,000 for clothes, RM320,000 on a Hari Raya event, and the closure of the Yayasan Selangor Skills Institute in Bagan Terap, Sabak Bernam due to insufficient funds.

On Friday, state secretary Datuk Ramli Mahmud said the Sultan of Selangor was told that Khalid, who is the Yayasan Selangor chairman, was not told of the event’s costs.

Today, Dr Khir also accused Khalid of being two-faced in his promises of transparency.

“I don’t think he (Khalid) is practising transparency in Selangor because he is not revealing everything, like all the wrongdoing by Yayasan Selangor and PKNS,” said Dr Khir.

“He talks about doing something but he does a different thing. He is very clever in public relations,” he added.

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