Zaid’s resignation a boost to Third Force supporters

By Athi Shankar, Free Malaysia Today

GEORGE TOWN: Zaid Ibrahim’s abrupt departure from PKR is likely to accelerate the formation of a third political block in the country, predicted an academician here today.

Political scientist Sivamurugan Pandian said Zaid’s exit was a much-awaited morale booster for citizens unimpressed with performance of both Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional.

“Zaid’s resignation from PKR would present the long-sought ideal platform to the neutral observers and fence-sitters to launch the third political force,” he said.

He said these citizens formed a sizeable number of voters, who don’t owe allegiance to any party or leader, but desired real reform and changes to the country’s political and socio-economic landscapes.

He said they would welcome Zaid to spearhead their reform struggle based on democratic principles through an independent third force.

“These citizens have lost trust and confidence in both Pakatan and BN.

“They would love to have a third force to check and balance both existing blocks,” suggested the deputy dean of School of Social Sciences in Penang-based Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Enough credibility

Zaid followed up his pull-out from the PKR deputy presidential contest with an announcement yesterday that he was set to quit the party altogether.

Sivamurugan said although Pakatan and PKR spinners would cast doubts on Zaid’s sincerity to carry out his reform agenda, nonetheless the former de facto law minister has sufficient credentials and credibility to helm the third force.

He said that Zaid was a victim of electoral malpractices and malicious power play within PKR due to his political duel with Anwar Ibrahim’s protégé Azmin Ali.


