Dr Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim won over many in Sydney and Canberra 13/11/10 – 15/11/10

Reported By S. Khor

Sydney University Lecture

Over the second week end of November, Dr Anwar Ibrahim made a short trip amidst his very busy schedule, at the invitation of Sydney University’s Dept of Government and International Relations.

An overwhelming 500 people attended: comprising students, journalists, academics, Malaysians resident in Australia, as well as friends and supporters from various nationalities. 

The atmosphere was a mix of curious anticipation by many, scepticism by some, and reverence by his ardent supporters.

The Lecture Islam, Democracy and the Status of Malaysia’s Quasi-Secular State

Islam, Secularism and the Status of Malaysia’s Quasi-Secular State

Dr Anwar conceded that being a quasi-secular state, religion is relevant to Malaysia, but he would not promote an Islamic state. He opined that sharia law needs proper interpretation to fulfil its fundamental doctrine of promoting peace and justice and the rule of law. Citing various much publicized cases, both in Malaysia and the Middle East, he condemned the abuse of sharia law as punitive and unconscienable.  He also condemned the state-sanctioned preferential treatment that Muslims received at the exclusion of non-Muslims in Malaysia.


Dr Anwar differentiated the practice of Islam in South East Asia and the Middle East, attributing it to respective cultural and political experiences. For the latter, Islam is both a culture and a religion.


Islam & Democracy

Dr Anwar was adamant that democracy in the Middle East should be achieved through peaceful means and not the use of arms. He also condemned the hypocricy of exploiting Islam for political gains.


Democracy and State of Politics in Malaysia

Dr Anwar shared at length the numerous challenges and restrictions imposed by the Malaysian government on Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and himself in particular; notably the trumped up sodomy charges, physical assaults on his person and his six years of imprisonment; the total absence of air time available to the opposition to sabotage its reach to the voters and fraudulent voting process.

He also lamented the rampant corrupt practices and financial mismanagement of the government.

Commitment to Reforms and Call for Support

Dr Anwar pledged PR’s total commitment to reforms, transparency and good governance. He cited the encouraging results achieved by Lim Guan Eng in Penang; his impartiality in picking talents before race and his commitment to ensure racial equality and peaceful transformation.

He appealed to Malaysians living in Australia and Australian friends to help influence the course of change.


Commitment to Human Rights, Islam & Interfaith Engagement

Throughout his lecture, Dr Anwar reiterated his conviction in upholding human rights as well as bringing together Islam and interfaith understanding and engagement, both in Malaysia and internationally, through his involvement in various organizations and platforms.



Dr Anwar’s answers to numerous questions raised, apart from reiterating what he had covered in the lecture, can be summed up as follows:


1)      that he cannot absolve himself from responsibility as part of the government machinery during the Mahathir regime.  But that he is committed to democractic reforms, in stemming out corruption and racially motivated unfair practices, although he himself is a Malay nationalist.

2)      that he will continue his work on democracy and human rights, not just in Malaysia but also internationally.

3)      on the question of his relationship with Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK), he gave credit and due respect to RPK as his friend and supporter during his hardest jail time.  However, he conceded that it is difficult for him to take RPK’s long distance advice and that grassroot concensus from his coalition team is necessary.

4)      as with Zaid Ibrahim, he downplayed any conflicts, refusing to criticize him and preferring to cite the importance of being democratic with fellow members. (note: Zaid resigned from the party a few days after this lecture was delivered; but Dr Anwar’s magnanimity and statesmanship did not go unnoticed)

5)      he appealed to the Australian government, as a democratic regime, to be a supportive voice in his fight against corrupt practices, fraudulent electoral process and for greater freedom of expression, in Malaysia.

6)      he reminded overseas Malaysians who are eligible to vote, to cast their vote, and influence their family and friends, to help bring about change, in the March 2011 election.


The two hours of lecture/Q&A ended with sustained, rapturous applause from the audience. This, perhaps, is testimony that Dr Anwar has won over many with his articulate, learned, passionate, diplomatic, philosophical and witty, humourous delivery. His sceptics may now be prepared to give him and PR a chance to prove that they mean what they say.


Dinner Reception at Abang Sam Malaysian Restaurant

A welcoming dinner was held the same evening, attended by more than 100 friends and supporters of Dr Anwar & Pakatan Rakyat; but most of all, Malaysians who yearn for a Malaysia that is free and fair, and for a “tanah tumpah nya darah ku” that once again, they could call home.

The overwhelming show of support was clear for all to see.  The cameras were working overtime with many trying to get Dr Anwar into their family picture frames throughout the night.   Most were happy that they have had the opportunity to meet him close and personal and so personable.   And for many, the opportunity to meet a future Malaysian PM in waiting should Pakatan Rakyat win in the next election.


Despite a long and hectic day of lecture, Q & A, interviews with TV channels, Dr Anwar continued to share his ideals and answer questions throughout the evening, which, as expected, was a resounding success.

Events attended by Dr Anwar between 13/11/10 and 15/11/10 were:

Sydney NSW Talk – attendance 500+

Dinner with Sydneysiders – attendance 100+

Sky News Live

Live interview with the Quran Kareem Muslim radio,

Meeting with Muslim communities at Fairfield, Sydney

Interview with Kevin Rudd

Media inteview – ABC Newsline

Meeting with group of MPs in the deputy spesaker office

Australia Natonal University Talk – attendance 500+

Dinner with ANU professors + Canberean

and other events

