Zaid not part of Barisan Rakyat initiative

Wong Teck Chi, Malaysiakini

The “Barisan Rakyat” initiative which aims to provide alternative candidates with integrity for the Pakatan Rakyat has nothing to do with former PKR supreme council member Zaid Ibrahim, according to its coordinator Haris Ibrahim.

“There are a few individuals behind the initiative, but Zaid is not among them,” he told Malaysiakini.

There is speculation that the former de facto law minister upon quitting the PKR the might form a new political party with some activists, including Haris to act as a third force between BN and Pakatan.

boycott the newspaper pc 280108 haris ibrahimCoincidentally, Haris (left) also posted an article titled “People, please guide your Barisan Rakyat” in his blog last week that proposed sending alternative candidates to contest in the coming general election, which raised many eyebrows.

The human rights lawyer-cum-blogger categorically denied this speculation in a phone interview with Malaysiakini, adding that he has not been in touch with Zaid for sometime.

“I have not seen Zaid for sometime and I also have not talked to him for sometime.”

He, however, is willing to meet Zaid if he shares the same agenda with Barisan Rakyat.

“We are prepared to work with anyone who shares the same ground to replace BN government with Pakatan.”

Neither third force or political party

Haris also said the “Barisan Rakyat” initiative would neither become the third force as claimed by some parties nor register as a political party.

He explained that their existence is to provide alternative candidates with proven record in integrity for the Pakatan for the coming polls.

“It is a people’s initiative to from the Barisan Rakyat to strengthen the Pakatan Rakyat position in the coming 13th General Election.”

“We still see Pakatan as the best alternative (to BN government), but the Pakatan has some weaknesses and we can help them to improve.”

He said they are frustrated with Pakatan’s weak candidates offered in last general election, some of whom even turned to become pro BN independent parliamentarians and stateassemblypersons , causing the downfall of Perak Pakatan government.

So, they will offer a group of “better” candidates who would not tempted by money and jump to the BN.

“We don’t want when RM 2 million is put on your table, the ‘katak’ festival will start again.”

No gambling habits or Ah Long

Haris said the initiative has developed a candidate screening process, selecting potential candidates based on 2 criteria, first aptitude and second, more important — integrity.

“Anyone with gambling habits, high loan exposure, borrrowing money from Ah Long, or criminal charges like criminal breach of trust or fraud will be deemed risky and would not be selected.”

According to the posting in his blog, all candidates would be required to submit a comprehensive biodata to a risk management agency to pass the integrity test. They will also required to provide statutory declarations on their assets every 12 months.

Haris said they have already identified 16 individuals who agreed to offer themselves as candidates and are targeting a total of 30 alternative choices.

“We want to work with Pakatan to identify who are the weak candidates and recommend ours as the alternatives.”

He cited Wangsa Maju MP Wee Choo Keong who quit PKR in May as one example of those deemed “weak” as parliamentarians.

3 cornered fights not ruled out

When asked what if Pakatan turns down his proposal and insists on their own candidates, Haris did not rule out the possibility of three- cornered fights, but still held firm to his belief that there is room for both sides to talk.

“I think we and Pakatan Rakyat have the same objectives, we want reform of the system. I believe Paktan will listen with an open mind and open heart.”

NONEHe said the recent Batu Sapi by election, which saw a three- cornered fight among the BN, PKR and SAPP, has shown the urgency for all parties hoping to see a change in the country to sit and talk.

He, however, ruled out any possibility of working with either the BN or Independent Consensus, formed by PKR turned independent parliamentarians.

“There is no way we can work with the BN. There is also no way we can work with Independent Consensus, they are pengkhianat rakyat (traitors of the people).”

“Even if we win, we will still work with Pakatan. So, they is no worry.”

He also said that they will have a series of meetings in the near future seeking larger consensus which is expected to include other civil movement groups on Dec 19 and organise a “Rakyat Kongress” next year.

