No permit for DAP dinner today

(Bernama) – KUCHING: The DAP should not proceed with its gathering and dinner scheduled for today evening at the Batu Kawa bazaar as the application for a permit to hold the event has been rejected by police to prevent traffic flow disruption in the area.

Kuching police chief ACP Mun Kock Keong said if the organiser and the public decided to proceed with the event it would be deemed an illegal assembly under Section 27 of the Police Act 1967.

“We will take the necessary action tomorrow because the organiser had been informed of the main reason why we rejected their application,” he told a news conference here today.

Mun said police had rejected the DAP’s application as two other events would be held simultaneously in the same area, one of which was by Persatuan Chung Hua while the other would be a religious ceremony.

“The two events will start at about 6.30pm with more than 500 people expected to attend and with the DAP function to start at the same time with 800 guests expected, there will be traffic chaos as the road there is quite narrow,” he said.

“DAP submitted its appeal and we rejected it for the same reason but we don”t mind if they hold it in a proper place like a hall so that it will not disrupt traffic flow.

“I know the organiser had sold the tickets but they must understand the situation,” he added.

Mun was responding to a news report which quoted Sarawak DAP secretary and Kota Sentosa assemblyman Chong Chieng Jen as saying that they intended to proceed with the event in the same place.

Chong claimed the police had practised double standards when it came to approving such applications as previously they allowed the Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP), a state Barisan Nasional component party, to organise a a function at an open space in front of the Kenyalang Theatre for two consecutive Sundays which affected traffic flow.
