Swimming Against the Current

There are good potential candidates in PKR who have moral values, are honest, and honorable. The problem is, most of them do not have the support of party members, members who have been in the political field for a long time. If we push for the unpopular but good potential candidates to contest, we risk losing the support of the “veterans”. This is something that we cannot control, but it is a problem that needs to be addressed.

By GM (Penampang Sabah)

Dear RPK, in your latest No Holds Barred article “The ends can’t justify the means”, you talked about how PAKATAN needs to choose the right candidates to contest the next GE. I agree to a certain extent to what you have said. This is actually what we need and how it is supposed to be. However, it is not as easy as reciting ABC. It is undeniable that many political heavyweights in PAKATAN, especially PKR, who have the support of the people in their respective areas are actually tainted politicians with a dark past in politics.

Take Sabah for instance. I shall not mention names but just look at the line up of future candidates and political mavericks they have in PKR. These leaders have the support of the people, maybe not a big percentage, but fair enough to be named the candidate in the respected State/Parliament seats. In any division/branch there will be a list of potential candidates and it is up to the supporters of each of the individual potential candidates to lobby and determine who will be their man to stand.

Now, history has proven that there will always be sore losers whereby their “race horse” is not chosen and they decide to crossover to the BN. These are the political opportunists who only want their man in the fray hoping that in the event the party wins the state there will be returns in the future.

There are good potential candidates in PKR who have moral values, are honest, and honorable. The problem is, most of them do not have the support of party members, members who have been in the political field for a long time. If we push for the unpopular but good potential candidates to contest, we risk losing the support of the “veterans”. This is something that we cannot control, but it is a problem that needs to be addressed. Moving forward, the “Third Force” which you have been harping about is a good solution. I am a staunch supporter of PKR although I’m not a member, always been since the day Parti KeADILan Nasional was born.

Wherever I go I will promote PAKATAN and PKR to the people. The Zaid issue is not helping in any way. UMNO has been divided numerous times but I sometimes choose not to say it depending on who I talk to in order to reflect my campaign as being professional. For the UMNO hardcores I will say it though, as I have been criticized and made to look like a fool many times.

Talking about the “Third Force”, maybe I have not read enough as there are thousands of opinions with regards to this. My idea of a third force is an Elite and Independent Force that fights for the people, but leaning on either one of the coalitions in the political divide. Is that what it is all about? However, I don’t quite understand how a third force should contest the GE should PAKATAN fail to field candidates proposed by the third force. If a third force candidate is fielded, and PAKATAN fields its own candidate to challenge the BN, will it not be a three cornered contest? Please go into detail of the third force so I can adjust my campaign where needed.

We are getting closer to the next GE and something needs to be ironed out before it is too late. PKR Sabah is in a mess thanks to the Zaid controversy. Members are running around like chickens without heads handling the party elections, not to mention the numbers of factions we have here in Sabah. People say that hope is gone for PKR. I say hope might be gone, but it is not lost.


GM, Penampang Sabah
