Perkasa lodges report against The Star

(The Star) – Perkasa has lodged a report against The Star over an article it published on Thursday.

The report was lodged yesterday at the Dang Wangi police headquarters by Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hassan Syed Ali yesterday.

Syed Hassan said the article titled “Sore need for plurality in law”, written by columnist Azmi Sharom, was in contempt of court, adding that Azmi did not have the right to question a court decision.

“In the article, Azmi tried to dispute the court’s decision on a Hindu man who converted to Islam together with his two children without his wife’s permission,” he said.

Syed Hassan said although it was stated at the end of the article that the views expressed were entirely Azmi’s, he claimed the writer had insulted the court’s decision.

