Selangor PKR Mass Gathering Turned Out to Be Zaid-Bashing Night

(Malaysian Digest) – “Selangor PKR Mass Gathering with Anwar Ibrahim” that was held last night at the Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) auditorium turned out to be a medium for its highest leadership to condemn former PKR Federal Territories chief Datuk Zaid Ibrahim.

PKR Secretary-General, Saifuddin Nasution in his speech referred to those who quit from the party as ‘gila bayang’ and ill-mannered.
While acknowledging there were problems during the PKR election process, he said overall the election that was held for the first time in the party’s history was being held smoothly and it will benefit the party’s future.
“From 222 branches, only nine branches that has problem. But the media only focused on that nine branches,” said Saifuddin.
Meanwhile, Selangor PKR chief, Azmin Ali in his speech appealed to the highest leadership to be more assertive and daring to clean out the ‘Trojan horses’ from the party.
He also said people who urged Anwar to withdraw from party are extremists and should be kicked out from the party.
“I can accept it if people want me to step down. But the discordant voices that asked Anwar to step down is unacceptable. They were like a homeless people where we had provided them gave them with wealth, food, soft mattresses, carpets, and after one year, they want to be landlords.
“So I have pleaded with Anwar, Azizah, the political bureau so that, when the congress finish, we need to be more firm and bold in cleaning out the ‘Trojan horses’ that exists in the party,” Azmin said.
Meanwhile, PKR Deputy President, Dr Syed Husin Ali who was the most vocal of the speakers last night criticized Zaid’s action of leaving party.
“What is the suitable title we can give for a person who denied Pakatan Rakyat’s decision to boycott Utusan Malaysia?” asked Syed Husin.
“If this person want to quit, let him go. If he wants to commit suicide, make sure he’s dead,” he added.
Meanwhile, PKR de facto leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said Selangor is the most important fortress for PKR to defend.
“Selangor is our base. We need to remember that. We have to defend it no matter how,” said the Permatang Pauh MP.
“We need to deliver our duty as a team,” he said.

